01. Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 programs compiled into P-Code
02. Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# .NET and other .NET languages, based on .NET Frameworks 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5 up to 8.0
We can decompile forms, code, and resources with a success rate of 90-98 percent
Partial Software Decompilation
01. Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 programs compiled into Native Code:
Decompile Forms and User Controls;
Decompile all trees of functions;
Partially recover the source code.
02. Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET into C#:
Decompile all trees of functions;
Partially recover the source code.
03. Delphi (from Delphi 3 to Delphi 12):
Recover the resources;
Decompile Forms and User Controls;
Decompile all trees of functions;
Partially recover the source code.
04. Visual C++ (all versions):
Recover the resources;
Partially decompile the source code.
Software Obfuscation
01. Delphi x86 and x64 (from Delphi 3.0 to Delphi 12);
02. FreePascal (Lazarus) x86 and x64;
03. Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 software (P-Code and Native Code).
Software Development
We develop software, written in any language (C#, Delphi, QT, Java, Visual Basic), for all major platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android).
We also offer exclusive services:
01. Develop wireless applications (WiFi and Bluetooth), using a licensed Wireless Communication Library;
02. Develop software for mobile phones (iOS, and Android);
03. Decompile, analyze, and hex-edit software.
Reverse Engineering
We can analyze software and find out any vulnerabilities and protection issues. After checking your program, we'll send you a report on all problems in code protection.